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The Spot

I've decided I'm really bad at hand-washing. It's not my first experience of it. When I first moved to Melbourne I couldn't afford a washing machine, so I washed my clothes by hand...or went to the laundromat. Here, I don't have that option. It's hand-wash or have dirty clothes. Actually, some days it's handwash AND have dirty clothes. I've learned that you don't use the knuckles of your hand, but the inside of your wrist. Apparently it's more effective. But no matter how hard I try (and my wrists ache from the effort, my clothes remain less-than- clean looking. When I bring them in from the washing line, my eyes are drawn to that one spot, that one stain that I couldn't get out. And no matter how clean the rest of the clothing is, I focus on the small dirty spot. I was thinking about that spot on my clothes and realised that it is very similar to something God has been challenging me on recently. I have a tendency to notice 'spot' on people. I'm quick to judge. We all have spots; character weaknesses, bad attitudes (well, I know I certainly do), but why do I often notice those things first in other people, and so slowly in myself? Why do I not see the strengths of people first? God has been teaching me recently to judge less and focus on the strengths in people. Not to excuse sin, but to first love people. To recognise that it's not my job to remove spots...that is Jesus' and he does a great job at it. I've been trying to criticise less and encourage more. And pray that God would reveal any spots I have and then to work on them with his help.By his grace I am learning.

As God has been teaching me, I don't see the spots as much, and he's been filling me with a love that could only come from him. I really love the students we have here at the college. Our students come from mixed backgrounds and experiences. One of our youngest students, has her share of spots, but I've recently seen some amazing qualities in her. I've seen her heart for children and care for others. She's an encourager and a smiler - her smile lights up the room. Her father passed away last term so she missed a week or so of classes and fell behind in her maths. Since then I've been tutoring her in maths and I've seen a determination to learn more and her maths has greatly improved! It was a highlight the other day when I saw her teaching one of the other students something she had learned in a tutoring session!

It's a miracle she's even in this class. About two years ago she got an infection in her foot, but because she didn't have enough money for treatment she just had to 'ride it out'. It nearly killed her, but she's alive today and really tries to make the most of every day. She still has the scars of the illness, walking with a limp and getting headaches and pains down her leg and into her eyes, but she never complains. She believes she is here for a reasons and she praises God for the opportunity.


I've been attending a village church for the past two months now and am really enjoying being part of that community. I was riding to Church every day, but it's now too hot so I get a lift with the pastor. Last week a turkey jumped through the open window and nearly fell onto my lap. Gave me a bit of a fright...

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