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So, preparations are well underway for leaving in January. By that I mean, I've written a huge list of things that need to be done and I'm slowly crossing them off. Sometimes it doesn't seem like I am as I add more to the list than I remove...

One of the biggest things for me to organise is the funding for my time in Zambia. I won't be paid to teach and will be relying on sponsors and donations for the whole time I am there. This is pretty new to me, and somewhat daunting. It's a balance betwen trusting God to provide, and being proactive and taking opportunities. So far the focus is on sharing my story and what's happening with as many people as I can. I have had the opportunities to speak at my Church 3 times, at our young adults gathering, I was interviewd for a local radio station, spoke at my old life group, and will be speaking three times at the Church I grew up in. I've sent out I-have-no-idea-how-many emails and letters to people I know, and my family has been great in chatting to people they know.

As well as chatting with people, some friends helped me organise a Trivia Night to raise some funds for Zambia. It was pretty stressful organising it all in the lead up to the night, but it turned out to be a great night. I had heaps of fun and I think those that came also had a good time. People were very generous and it was a great encouragement to see the number of people who came to support me. Thanks to everyone who made it a successful night!

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