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First Year Reflections

I'm sitting on the banks of a river in the Kafue National Park watching hippos float down the river and I'm struck again by a thought. I'm in Africa! I'm sorry if you hear me say it over and over, but it really is such an amazing thing to me. What a year it has been! Who would have thought that almost a year after I left Australia I would be a skirt-wearing, bug-eating, bucket-washing, bike-riding, maths-teaching, drum playing, sunset-watching, mosquito-squashing, proposal-rejecting, fish-gutting, fire-cooking, blackboard-writing, Africa-driving, grass-slashing, Bemba-speaking, Aussie in Zambia! I've absolutely loved this year!

I've changed, I've grown so much, I've learned heaps! My life has taken a 'new normal'. My testimony this year is that God has been with me through every change. Every time I've had to readjust, try something new, step up, meet new people. When I was overwhelmed with work I'd never done before, when I was completely lost because I didn't understand the language, when I was lying on my bed sick because of something I'd eaten, God was with me. God is with me going into the new year and I'm excited to see how he uses me this year.

School starts in a few days. We have five students so far, which might seem like a small class, but we may have another 10 join them for second year studies, so five is a good number! We also have eight new students serving on schools around Zambia reaching around 200 children with the good news of Jesus through their teaching.

Oh! Four elephants have just walked past on the other side of the river! They are huge!! Even from this distance I can see their enormity... Certainly much larger than Asian elephants! Sorry, distraction over...

December I traveled to South Africa for a much-needed rest. It took me about one week to switch off and actually rest, but when I did, it was refreshing and renewing for my mind and body. I traveled to a friend's family farm. I spent two weeks sitting, walking, reading, sleeping, watching cows , riding a horse, hiking, eating and hanging out with an amazing family that opened their house and their arms and welcomed me into their family while I was there.

I spent Christmas on the farm, and made frequent trips a nearby hill to get reception to receive the news that my new nephew was born! Henry Joseph was born on the 22nd to my sister and both of them are doing well. Thanks to everyone who was praying for them!

Natotela (thank you) to everyone who has been traveling with me in 2016 through my blog. Thanks for your prayers, your letters and parcels, emails and messages of encouragement.

I pray that the new year will be one of growth for you as you continue to discover the depth of God's love for you, and seek to serve him wherever you are!

Cheers, Stephanie

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